Top 5 Trends to Follow: Digital Marketing

Staying updated is crucial for a business promotion. Follow the latest trends in digital marketing in OKC in 2018.

With every new year, we ourselves evolve. New technologies, new inventions, new utilities, we like to try all of these to make our lives better. Trends change each year and we adopt the changes for our own welfare. When we adopt everything that is promising to make our lives better, why not try the new trends in digital marketing? Why leave the possibility for an upgrade, when there is an opportunity?

Standing in the mid of 2018, let’s review the potential trends of digital marketing in OKC this year, that can help you further.


digital marketing trends

Do you prefer a written message or a message conveyed through a video? Of course, the second one, right? Therefore, video content has become a fantastic way of catching the eyes of viewers. No matter whether you are promoting your products or services through social media, the video content will reach the desired outcome in a much shorter time than other methods. Statistically, more than 80 percent of Twitter is videos, while forums like Youtube have people watching over one billion hours of video daily. Furthermore, Facebook users are consuming more than 8 billion videos a day. For this reason, you need to make sure your video content is captivating.

360° video is at the top of popularity right now, however, you need to choose whatever video format is best for your business. It could be as basic as a live stream. You just need to ensure that whatever you choose is responsive in different applications on mobile phones. The responsive design will help viewers to follow the posts from any hand-held device anywhere. Take help from the digital marketing companies in OKC to know what will work best for you.


This is the best way to avoid the immense pressure of competitors in the market. The use of a social media influencer can help to grow a business and add value to it. According to the digital marketing trends in OKC, making and maintaining a strong bond within social media with celebrities or popular brands is holding the same influence in 2018 as recent years.


digital marketing trends

The Federal Laws of the U.S. are very strict and firm about data protection. In today’s day and age, you have to be conscious of how you use consumers’ data for your business promotion. Federal Law mandates for digital marketing in OKC or anywhere in the U.S. to get consent from the consumers before using the information associated with them. Keep yourself prepared otherwise you may end up bearing a hefty fine.

#4 Chatbots

If not yet, you should start thinking of using social media bots for your business promotion. Chatbots are already established pretty well, but recent AI development has made it more relevant. For providing flawless customer service and gaining a good reputation and feedbacks you should start using it now before it is too late.

#5 The Power of Storytelling

You have surely noticed that the tab ‘stories’ has been added to Facebook Messenger and Instagram that was pioneered by Snapchat. YouTube has also added this feature under the name ‘reels’. This is a new trend to grab the attention of viewers. Within a very limited time, it briefs up some important moments and people love watching these.

Hopefully, you have effective results following these latest trends of digital marketing in 2018. For more queries contact Skybound Digital LLC for unparalleled service of business promotion in OKC.