Search engines have evolved and how. They are refining the way a user makes a search so that the result generated is better and more users’ need oriented rather than everything available on internet. Machine learning has led to the rapid growth of search engine optimization. These advances led to more emphasis on relevant results not only in terms of content but also in favour of user experience or UX.
At the end of the day everything boils down to the concept – “the consumer is the king”. Here, it translates to what is good for the consumer is good for the organic search performance as well. This is becoming all the more significant because machine learning plays an important role in search algorithm and incorporates such areas as search sequence, content quality, structure and sentiment.
To keep pace with the ever changing dynamics, SEO experts have to place greater importance on UX. Following are the two areas where SEO needs to broaden its horizon in relation to UX:
The major area where Google has always emphasized is the user experience. To offer the best possible user experience, Google has incorporated technological advances so as to intensify the entire experience. Yet there are many companies where the SEO team has not given due diligence to UX. Time and again they have avoided it resulting in poor page ranking.Whether the SEO expert will put emphasis on UX depends largely on his professional experience and his ability to grasp the changes in the latest trend. If the companies continue to avoid UX it will end up nowhere. What is the best possible solution?As an industry, the SEO team needs to re-imagine their SEOP strategy where more emphasis is given to machine learning. Because at the end of the day everything boils down to how well the technology is being able to interpret the user need and deliver accordingly.
All those search engine marketing business in Oklahoma that have worked with UX teams will vouch that majority of the UX teams have a linear approach. Their main emphasis is on the home page and that’s it.But, the changing trend is highlighting the opposite. The UX teams need to concentrate on the other pages too. There has to be more scrolling options so that the users can check out the other pages as well. This will result in better traffic conversion and retention.A lack of effort for user experience at different entry points can affect the user inters and they will leave the site to checkout some other sites. Examples include tabbed content and infinite scroll pages. By definition, UX aims to offer the best possible user experience and this should not be restricted to the home page. Efforts need to be taken to improve the other pages if the SEO team wishes to see the desired results.
When the search engine marketing business in Oklahoma team and the UX experts will collaborate they will be able to pool in the benefits of both the skill sets thereby enhancing the user experience manifold. If your company has not resorted to this measure, it is time that you call for the much required meeting between the two departments.